John LeMieux

John LeMieux, Co-Founder & Principal

"To best assist my clients with complex financial decision making, I believe I need to address the multifaceted realities of life that underscore the financial facts. My experiences as an entrepreneur co-founding Anton LeMieux Financial Group, a financial planner, and an investment advisor have combined to guide me in identifying the unique financial needs of each individual, family, family-owned business, and nonprofit organization that I serve. Working alongside my clients to more thoroughly understand their needs, I can create the best plan to meet them.

"I know that the realities of life can impact our personal goals and, potentially, our overall financial outlook. After a reoccurrence of liposarcoma, I lost my left leg to cancer. Having faced such a challenge, I don’t shy away from conversations with clients that might become more personal or even emotional. I know these discussions and the details they provide are important to the success of the work we do together.

"In the process of designing a financial plan, my clients and I discuss their own realities. It’s this depth of conversation that helps me create their best holistic financial plan and bring to it the strategic value and client advocacy that our firm was built to offer."



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Using his expertise and experience, John has played a role in promoting the practice of “collaborative divorce” in Maine, where both parties involved are advised by legal counsel, a neutral financial expert, and a mental health professional. John has been guiding clients through the complex world of financial planning and investing since 1993. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional.

John was a founding member of the Maine Collaborative Law Alliance and is founder and the board president of the Amputee Association of Maine. He was a long-time board member and officer of the Institution of Family Owned Business.

He graduated from Lyndon State College and earned an MS from Indiana University. John and his wife, Cindy, live in Portland and enjoy family, friends, and athletic activities of all kinds. In fact, since John’s surgery in 2012, he managed to bring his golf handicap to single digits, playing in regional and national amputee golf tournaments. He is also an avid handcyclist.

Business Experience Badge

John LeMieux is proud to have been recognized as a Business Experience advisor for 2023—a distinction based on annual production that places him among the top 55 percent of advisors affiliated with Commonwealth Financial Network.

Each year, Commonwealth, the broker/dealer–RIA that helps us process investment transactions on your behalf, recognizes Business Experience advisors by inviting them to an exclusive gathering of their peers, leading industry experts, and Commonwealth home office staff. Business Experience advisors benefit from an intensive learning and networking experience designed to help them hone their expertise, share best practices, and provide ever-higher levels of service, education, and leadership to their clients.